Friday 5 October 2012

Cigarette Packages in Ukraine, Smoking Warning Labels

From October 4 cigarette packs in Ukraine will be produced with warning pictures about diseases caused by smoking, Health Ministry of Ukraine has reported on Thursday. According to government resolution No. 306, 50% of one side of the cigarette package will have the words 'Smoking kills', 50% of the opposite side of the package will contain a picture and warning label. In general 8 different pictures with the corresponding commentaries will be used. In particular, the picture with the X-ray photograph of lung cancer will be accompanied with the words: "Smoking could cause a slow and painful death." Picture of the female face near the death's head will tell: "Smoking causes skin ageing". The picture with the woman, who carries empty pram, contains a title "Smoking reduces woman's reproductive function." "Average smoker gets a cigarette from the package 7,500 times per year. That's why looking on the illustrations and warning labels, he will think about it, as pictures influence the subconscious 60 times more than a text message," said head of tobacco control sector of the Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Research of the Health Ministry of Ukraine, Kostiantyn Krasovsky. As reported, from September 16, 2012 practically all kinds of tobacco advertising will be banned in Ukraine. From December 16, 2012 smoking in public places, at bars and restaurants, children's play grounds, offices, and state buildings will be prohibited.

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