Monday 26 September 2011

Cheap Cigarette Machines Warnings

Trading Standards officers will crackdown on pubs selling cheap Chesterfield cigarettes from vending machines from October 1.

It becomes illegal to sell tobacco in public areas in pubs and bars from next month.

Trading Standards officers have pledged to carry out spot checks throughout Coventry and Warwickshire and publicans found to have an operating vending machine could face fines and prosecution.

City councillor Joe Clifford, chairman of Coventry’s Smokefree Alliance, said: “For far too long cigarette vending machines have provided an easy and unsupervised route for young people to get hold of tobacco.

“Getting rid of tobacco from these machines will help to make cigarettes less accessible to children and will play a role in encouraging young people to choose not to start smoking in the first place.”

While tobacco products will no longer be available for sale in public areas, landlords can sell from behind the bar. From 2013 displays must not be visible to the public.

The ban was passed by MPs as part of the Health Bill in October 2009.

Trading Standards said any machine still on the premises of a pub or business open to the public after next week’s deadline must be inoperative and all tobacco advertising and promotion material
removed or covered.

Councillor Richard Hobbs, Warwickshire County Council’s portfolio holder for consumer protection, said: “This ban will effectively mean the end of tobacco vending machines in pubs, clubs and other businesses.

“This is good news for the health of our children and young people. We know young people are buying tobacco products from these machines and are doing so in proportionately larger numbers than adults because they’re often located in unsupervised locations.

“It’s essential we do all we can to stop children and young people getting access to tobacco because we know that most people who take up smoking do so before they reach the age of 18.”

Sue Weston, NHS Warwickshire’s Smokefree co-ordinator, said: “Banning the sale of tobacco from these machines will make it more difficult for 46,000 of the 11 to 15-year-old regular smokers who obtained cigarettes from vending machines in England and Wales in 2006 to do so in future.”

One in six regulars smokers under the age of 16 in the UK are believed to buy them fron vending machines.

Hamish Simmonds, Trading Standards manger at Coventry City Council said: “The manager of the premises where a vending machine is located is responsible for ensuring the new rules are complied with.”

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