Wednesday 13 June 2012

Smoking Ban in Parks Not Enough

An alderman proposing a ban on tobacco use in Spring Hill parks will now target smoking only. Alderman Keith Hudson’s proposal last month also made it a minor municipal offense to use smokeless tobacco in a park within the city. But he made clear at Monday night’s Board of Mayor and Aldermen work session that he wants to focus only on smoking and he’ll bring forward an amendment at the June 18 regular meeting.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Smoking During Pregnancy Very Bad

A new study lead by the University of Zaragoza evaluates the differences in body composition and proportional distribution of body mass between babies born to mothers who have or have not smoked during pregnancy. Published in the Early Human Development journal, the study reveals that children of woman who did not smoke during pregnancy weigh and measure more. Their corporal dimensions are also significantly higher compared to the children of mothers who did smoke during pregnancy. But, this is not the same as body weight index (the relationship between height and cubic weight).